
Показано дописи з січень, 2021

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Word-Building) 22/01/2021

  Lesson Theme: Weather. Listening skills  1. Exercise 1 page 54. Read the text and the questions. Look at the underlined words. Which is the correct answer? Give reasons. 2. Exercise 2b page 54. Listen to the recording and choose the option that best answers each question. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HymAzaHndhh3iEWb3ji9AWhbP2_5MVHY/view?usp=sharing 3. Exercise 5 page 54. Match the sentences with the sentences of the same meaning. Use the underlined words to help you. 4. Exercise 6 page 54. Read the rubric and do the task. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xdqA1RtsFm0AOJszLHDkfN1Gg3-BvMm6/view?usp=sharing 5. Exercise 7 page 54. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s6NPkmzDtVyaLJyiOh2iBOiJcEbuQ4zC/view?usp=sharing Listen again and make notes under the headings. 6. Homework. Send the photos of exercise 6 and 7 on Viber. Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 22 янв. 2021 10:30 AM ...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Word-building) 22/01/2021

  Тема:  Words with the "sh" sound Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 22 янв. 2021 09:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 79350745656?pwd= NlVGQSt3V3dzZjJjcnQ0V0lmT1ZaUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 793 5074 5656 Код доступа: 4FFRrR

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Word-building) 22/01/2021

  Тема:  Words with the "sh" sound Read the rules. The -sion suffix is only likely to be pronounced with a zh sound when it is preceded by an r sound or a vowel sound (as in the words version and vision). In most other circumstances, the sh sound is the more likely pronunciation for this suffix. The sh sound before suffixes The -ure suffix and -ious suffixes do not contain an sh sound within them. However, when these suffixes are preceded by the letters s, c, or t, those letters may be pronounced as an sh sound. [4]: s+ure spelling  In the s+ure spelling, the letter s is usually only pronounced as the sh sound when it is preceded by a consonant sound or is spelled with two adjacent letter s's. If the s+ure spelling is preceded by a vowel sound, the word is likely pronounced with a zh sound (as in the word closure). Non-phonetic sh sound words The sh sound is underlined in the following words: sure ocean issue sugar

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (Word-building) 22/01/2021

  Тема:  Words with the "sh" sound Today we are going to speak about digraph “Sh” Listen and pronounce after the speaker   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uguN4ghpKtQ Read the rules. The sh sound is unvoiced (the vocal cords do not vibrate during its production), and is the counterpart to the voiced zh sound. This sound is a continuous consonant, meaning that it should be capable of being produced for a few seconds with even and smooth pronunciation for the entire duration. [1] ch spelling  The ch sound (not the sh sound), is the most common pronunciation for the ch spelling. [2]: -tion suffix  The -tion suffix is only likely to be pronounced with a ch sound when it is preceded by an s sound (as in the words question and suggestion). In most other circumstances, the sh sound is the more likely pronunciation for this suffix. [3]: -sion suffix

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 21.01.2021

  Lesson Theme: Across Cultures. Vocabulary 1. Exercise 5 page 53. Fill in the words. 2. Exercise 6 page 53. Replace the words in bold with the following words. 3. Exercise 7 page 53. Read the story again and put the events in the order they happened. 4. Homework. Retell the text  on page 52. Send the photo of exercise 6 on Viber.

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Social studies) 21/01/2021

 Theme: M easurement Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 21 янв. 2021 09:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 76668571652?pwd= VlFuRWY5UXlsbmJTRXVuVVdKWkhEdz 09 Идентификатор конференции: 766 6857 1652 Код доступа: e2VaEq

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work( Social studies) 21/01/2021

 Theme: M easurement Reading Measuring Work Measurement is finding a number that shows the size or amount of something. Work is the amount of energy necessary to move an object. A person can push against a brick wall until they sweat. But unless they moved the wall — even a tiny bit — they did no work. But at the same time, if you scoot the computer mouse even a part of an inch, you have done work. Work in the scientific sense. Don't try to convince your parents or your teachers that you have done a lot of work by playing video games. Work can be measured. It is measured by the amount of distance that a force moves an object. Sir Isaac Newton was a very famous scientist who had a wonderful understanding of the relationship between force and motion. For this reason, the measurement is known as a  Newton . It is abbreviated with a capital N. The term joule is often used to measure work as  Newtons  per meter. If it takes 1  Newton  to move any object  1 ...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work( Social studies) 21/01/2021

Theme:   M easurement What is measurement? Do we need standards? Vocabulary Practice Read the words and find suitable definition for them: 1. measurement                          a)  : the act or process of measuring something : a size, length, or amount known by measuring something 2. standard                                b)   a level of quality, achievement, etc., that is considered acceptable or desirable 3. tool                                           c ) a handhe...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 20.01.2021

   Lesson Theme: Across Cultures. Reading skills 1. Exercise 1 page 52. Look at the pictures. Which shows. 2. Read and translate the words from Check these words Box. 3. Read and translate the text on page 52. 4. Exercise 3 page 52. Read the text and do the task. 5. Exercise 4 page 52. Answer the questions. 6. Homework. Learn the words from Check these words Box. Read and translate the text on page 52.

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Science) 20/01/2021

 Theme:  Temperature Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 20 янв. 2021 09:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 76660926273?pwd= SjZ6WURNQ1dROHdjMmcvaWVzT29WUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 766 6092 6273 Код доступа: h8H3E1

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (Science) 20/01/2021

 Theme: T emperature Do the quiz. What is a reasonable temperature for a comfortable room? A: 72 degrees Fahrenheit B: 72 degreees Celsius C: neither D :  both Choose the reasonable temperature for an ice cream cone. A: 30 degrees Celsius B: 30 degrees Fahrenheit What is the reasonable temperature of a cup of hot tea? A: 28 degrees Fahrenheit B: 28 degrees Celsius True or False? 60 degrees Fahrenheit is a reasonable temperature for a warm spring day. A :  True B :  False Choose the reasonable temperature for a glass of iced tea. A: 32 degrees Celsius B: 4 degrees Celsius C: neither What would you most likely wear on a day that was 29 degrees Celsius? A: t-shirt B: sweat shirt C: heavy coat and gloves D: none of the above What would you most likely wear on a day that was 55 degrees Fahrenheit? A: t-shirt B: heavy coat, hat, scarve, gloves C :  sweater Choose what you would most likely wear on a day that was 91 degrees Fahrenheit. A: sweater B: t-shirt C: heavy co...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (Science) 20/01/2021

Theme: T emperature In this lesson, we  will learn the material about temperature. Also we will talk about special tool that measures temperature. It is thermometer.  Vocabulary Practice   Read the words and find suitable definition for them: 1. measurement                          a)  : the act or process of measuring something : a size, length, or amount known by measuring something 2. temperature                               b)  a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to some standard value. 3. tool                        ...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 19.01.2021

   Lesson Theme: Adverbs of manner 1. Exercise 8 page 51. Join the sentences using when or while. 2. Exercise 9 page 51. Read the theory box. Find adverbs of manner  in the text in ex.1. 3. Exercise 10a page 51. Complete the sentences using the adverb formed from the adjective in brackets. 4. Homework. Send the photo of ex. 8 and 10a on Viber. Exercise 11 page 51. Do it in your copy-book and send on Viber. Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 19 янв. 2021 10:30 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 73515769974?pwd= aG9nVFFteWRjYXh6Nld1eDVOYnNVUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 735 1576 9974 Код доступа: j3gvb5

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work( English) 19/01/2021

  Тема: Речення. Види речень. Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 19 янв. 2021 09:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 79379149680?pwd= T0ViTmZrNVBuMUd3Ky92SS9IYmNEZz 09 Идентификатор конференции: 793 7914 9680 Код доступа: GvmAZ8

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(English) 19/01/2021

  Тема: Речення. Види речень. Directed Grammar  Practice: Purposeful Sentences Knowing a sentence's design by purpose is helpful. Each of these sentences is either a declarative (DEC), an interrogative (INT), an exclamatory (EXC), or an imperative (IMP) one. Write the appropriate three-letter combination next to its corresponding type of sentence. Each type of sentence appears five times. ____ Have you read this newspaper article? ____ We are late for the meeting. ____ Stop that right now! ____ Remember to watch your step as you leave the room. ____ Are the packages here yet? ____ Professor Franklin said that the situation would improve. ____ Leave those old plates in the closet. ____ That dessert was awesome! ____ Painting is a relaxing hobby. ____ These are the best seats in the stadium! ____ Are the barbers and the beauticians working late tonight? ____ I can hardly bear to hear more stressful news right now! ____ Is this sweater yours? ____ Tough decisions will be mad...