Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(English) 19/01/2021

 Тема: Речення. Види речень.

Directed Grammar  Practice:

Purposeful Sentences
Knowing a sentence's design by purpose is helpful. Each of these sentences is either a declarative (DEC), an interrogative (INT), an exclamatory (EXC), or an imperative (IMP) one. Write the appropriate three-letter combination next to its corresponding type of sentence. Each type of sentence appears five times.
____ Have you read this newspaper article?
____ We are late for the meeting.
____ Stop that right now!
____ Remember to watch your step as you leave the room.
____ Are the packages here yet?
____ Professor Franklin said that the situation would improve.
____ Leave those old plates in the closet.
____ That dessert was awesome!
____ Painting is a relaxing hobby.
____ These are the best seats in the stadium!
____ Are the barbers and the beauticians working late tonight?
____ I can hardly bear to hear more stressful news right now!
____ Is this sweater yours?
____ Tough decisions will be made during the next few weeks.
____ That speeding car just missed hitting the bicyclist!
____ Hand me the wrench please, Reggie.
____ She will probably start up the grill now.
____ These disgusting mice have to be around here!
____ Please carry my valise into the next room, Louis.
____ Will you remember to lock the doors behind you?

Write an example of each type of sentence.
- Declarative sentence
- Interrogative sentence
- Exclamatory sentence
- Imperative sentence


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