Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Word-building) 22/01/2021

 Тема: Words with the "sh" sound

Read the rules.

The -sion suffix is only likely to be pronounced with a zh sound when it is preceded by an r sound or a vowel sound (as in the words version and vision). In most other circumstances, the sh sound is the more likely pronunciation for this suffix.
The sh sound before suffixes

The -ure suffix and -ious suffixes do not contain an sh sound within them. However, when these suffixes are preceded by the letters s, c, or t, those letters may be pronounced as an sh sound.

[4]: s+ure spelling

 In the s+ure spelling, the letter s is usually only pronounced as the sh sound when it is preceded by a consonant sound or is spelled with two adjacent letter s's. If the s+ure spelling is preceded by a vowel sound, the word is likely pronounced with a zh sound (as in the word closure).

Non-phonetic sh sound words
The sh sound is underlined in the following words:


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