
Показано дописи з жовтень, 2020

Дистанційне навчання 2020

16\10 Lesson Topic: Reading skills 1. Exercise 1 page 26 . Read the headings. Decide which words best match the underlined words. 2. Exercise 3 page 26.   Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs. 3. Exercise 5 page 27. Read the text. Complete the gaps with appropriate words from the box in the correct form. 4. Homework. Exercise 7 page 27. Do it in your copy-book and send the photo on Viber. 

Дистанційне навчання 2020

    Form   pace   work   ( Word-building) 16.10.20 Тема: Голосний звук в наголошеному відкритому складі Today we will revise alphabetical names of letters, alphabetical order. We will learn about different kinds of syllables and will work up lexis. . To start with let’s read the verbs on the board, arrange them in alphabetical order. (cave, drive, stove, nerve, olive, save, clay, sky, wave, brave, pay, serve) What kinds of syllables do you know? What is the main feature of any syllable in the English language? A vowel in a stressed open-ended position has a long sound. Will you give examples of such words? Match the words with their definitions. - date - rise - vine - shape - name - fine - tide - the rise and fall of ocean waters - a word by which someone is called - a plant with creeping stem - a certain time - to get up - very thin - the form of an object . Make up your own sentences with these words. Write your own stories using as many words with the sound d...

Дистанційне навчання 2020

15/10 Form: 6-D Lesson Topic: Use of English Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 15 окт 2020 10:00 AM Москва Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 77616635632?pwd= bGo4NmYzV0VkdzM4SUVZTVBGT2wwUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 776 1663 5632 Код доступа: nfkeA5 1. Exercise 1 page 22 . Look at pictures. Which shows someone: Biting her nails?  smiling? making eye contact? How can you make a good impression when you meet someone for the first time? 2. Exercise 3 page 22. Red the text and complete the gaps. 3. Exercise 4 page 22. Choose the correct word. 4. Exercise 5 page 22. Listen and read the text. What did you learn from it? 5. Homework. Exercise 3 and 4 page 25. Send the photo on Viber.

Дистанційне навчання 2020

 6 Form PACE WORK (Social studies)  15.10.20 Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 15 окт 2020 09:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 76002610179?pwd= TDRJbDFGTVpMZFJMYVN2a3lwSzNlUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 760 0261 0179 Код доступа: jNxr4c Тема: Північний і Південний полюси In this lesson, we  will revise what we have learnt about the model of Earth, we will learn about the descoveries of the North and South Poles, and explorers Robert Peary and Roald Amundsen. . What does our Earth look like? What is situated on its top and at its bottom? Make up sentences using any two of the words written on the board in each. Remember there should be at least 12 words in each sentence. Rotate                                   Desert        ...

Дистанційне навчання 09/10/20

  Дистанційне навчання 2020 09/10 Form: 6-D Topic: Speaking skills 1. Exercise 4 page 18.   Where do you usually do these hobbies?   List under the headings. Do it in your copy-book. 2. Exercise 6 page 18.    Use the adjectives to say sentences about the hobbies in ex.4. 3.Exercise 2 page 19. Read the dialogue in ex.1 and find phrases which express likes/dislikes. Replace them with phrases from the box below. 4. Exercise 3page 19. Decide if each set of sentences are similar or not. 5. Hometask. Write sentences about your likes and dislikes in your copy-book. Send the photo on Viber. Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Конференция Zoom Tanya Titorenko Время: 9 окт 2020 10:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 71774154150?pwd= ZEFlSy8vWUwxWWJwVHVrSThHQ1FEUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 717 7415 4150 Код доступа: Fb4Vfa

Дистанційне начання 2020

  6-D  Form   pace   work ( Word-building)  09.10.20 Тема: Голосний звук в наголошеному відкритому складі Today we will revise alphabetical names of letters, alphabetical order. We will learn about different kinds of syllables and will work up lexis. . To start with let’s read the verbs on the board, arrange them in alphabetical order. (cave, drive, stove, nerve, olive, save, clay, sky, wave, brave, pay, serve) What kinds of syllables do you know? What is the main feature of any syllable in the English language? A vowel in a stressed open-ended position has a long sound. Will you give examples of such words? Match the words with their definitions. - date - rise - vine - shape - name - fine - tide - the rise and fall of ocean waters - a word by which someone is called - a plant with creeping stem - a certain time - to get up - very thin - the form of an object . Make up your own sentences with these words. Write your own stories using as many words with the sound...

Дистанційне навчання 08/10/20

  Дистанційне навчання 2020 08/10 Form: 6-D Lesson Topic: Listening skills 1. Exercise 1 page 18.     Read the text and the question. Find the numbers in the text. Which answer is correct? 2.Exercise 2 page 18.    Click on the link, listen and do the task. 10:43 (8 часов назад) https://drive.google.com/file/ d/ 1MWzlrFmqjYbrpAi92vFt52zuxS4r6 3az/view?usp=sharing 3. Exercise 3 page 8.    Listen to the last speaker again. How is your morning different from hers? https://drive.google.com/file/ d/ 1PZ0SVR1qwMX3AcAGg4XNrQUXk1zFp CX5/view?usp=sharing    Write sentences in your copy-book and send photos on Viber. 4. Exercise 5 page18.    Listen and match the people to their hobbies. https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1gS030J_ Y7shrFc7ck0FZJIOojj6yIImf/ view?usp=sharing 5. Homework.   Prepare the story about Jillaroo and Jackaroos. Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Конференция Zoom Tanya Titorenk...

6- D Form PACE WORK 08/10/20

  6- D Form PACE WORK ( Social studies)  08/10/.20 Тема:  Церква та уряд In this lesson,   we   will   speak about government and about church. What is Government? What is the role of government? Do you visit church?   Make up sentences using any two of the words written on the board in each. Remember there should be at least 12 words in each sentence.  Government                                church                                  pray                               ...

Дистанційне навчання 07/10/20

  Дистанційне навчання 2020 Lesson   07/10 Form 6-D Topic: Writing skills  1. Exercise 6 page 17. Match the highlighted words to their opposites. Do it in your copy-book and send a photo on Viber. 2. Exercise 7 page 17.   Fill in the words. 3. Exercise  8 page 17. Fill in prepositions. 4. Exercise 11page 17. Tell three things you learnt from the text. 5. Homework. Do Ex. 9, 10 page 17. Send photos on Viber. 

6 -D Form PACE WORK 07/10/20

Тема: Подолання сили тяжіння.   Read the words and find suitable definition for them:  1. wing 2. engine 3. thrust 4. propeller 5. natural 6. lift a) To direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise b) existing in nature and not made or caused by people : coming from nature c) a device having blades radiating from a central hub that is rotated to produce thrust to propel d) To push or drive quickly and forcibly. See Synonyms at push. e) A machine that converts energy into mechanical force or motion. f) a part of an animal's body that is used for flying or gliding Let’s prove your understanding of the words. Read the following sentences and fill in the gaps with one of the words (1-6): 1. Birds fly by the help of ………. 2. Our car I dead, the ……… doesn’t work. 3. ………gives good ……..to a plane. 4. Gravity is a ……….. law. 5. The helicopter ……….. the entire team to the meet. c) Try to make your own sentences using these words. 4.2. Reading the text “Wright brothers” H...