6- D Form PACE WORK 08/10/20
6- D Form PACE WORK ( Social studies) 08/10/.20
Тема: Церква та уряд
In this lesson, we will speak about government and about church.
What is Government?
What is the role of government?
Do you visit church?
Make up sentences using any two of the words written on the board in each. Remember there should be at least 12 words in each sentence.
Government church pray law rule priest state relations Concept separation country policy |
The separation of church and state
The separation of church and state is a description for the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state. It may refer to creating a secular state, with or without explicit reference to such separation, or to changing an existing relationship of church involvement in a state (disestablishment). Some sources use the phrase "separation of mosque and state" to refer to separation between Islam and politics.
Although the concept of separation has been adopted in a number of countries, there are varying degrees of separation depending on the applicable legal structures and prevalent views toward the proper relationship between religion and politics. While a country's policy may be to have a definite distinction in church and state, there may be an "arm's length distance" relationship in which the two entities interact as independent organizations. A similar but typically stricter principle of laïcité has been applied in France and Turkey , while some socially secularized countries such as Denmark and the United Kingdom have maintained constitutional recognition of an official state religion. The concept parallels various other international social and political ideas, including secularism, disestablishmentarianism, religious liberty, and religious pluralism. Whitman (2009) observes that in many European countries, the state has, over the centuries, taken over the social roles of the church, leading to a generally secularized public sphere.
The degree of separation varies from total separation mandated by a constitution, as in India and Singapore ; to an official religion with total prohibition of the practice of any other religion, as in the Maldives .
Most Christians agree that their faith affects how they approach politics, but disagreements arise over the political role of the church. A common source of confusion is the phrase "separation of church and state." Although the U.S. Constitution does not include these specific words, the phrase is part of the American lexicon and one that evokes strong reactions. Some associate the phrase with strident secularists who want to remove all vestiges of religion from the public square, forgetting entire traditions of Christian belief, such as Anabaptists, that uphold separation out of their religious convictions. Others assume that theological traditions affirming the integration of faith into all realms of life, including government, aim for nothing less than creating a theocracy.
Answer the questions.
1. What does separation of church and state mean?
- Religious activities and government activities must be kept strictly separate.
- Religion and government activities can overlap, but that overlap must be carefully choreographed.
2. Who decides whether a law violates separation of church and state principles?
- The United States Supreme Court.
- The state legislatures.
- Congress.
- All of the above.
3. My local government can not display Santa Claus and a menorah in city hall, since that would violate the separation of church and state.
- True
- False
4. Public schools can't mandate prayer or bible reading in school.
- True
- False
5. High school students can lead prayers before their football game.
- True
- False
6. Public schools can require a minute of silence to pray or meditate.
- True
7. According to a 2002 Supreme Court ruling, students will be able to use their federal vouchers to pay for religious schools.
- Absolutely
- No Way
- Who Knows?
Answer True or False
1. When the Founders drafted the Pledge of Allegiance, they included the words "one nation under God" because they believed that Americans' shared commitment to democracy could transcend religious differences. *
2. Anne Hutchison, an early Puritan settler of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was celebrated by Puritan officials for her strong religious convictions and her leadership on religious liberty. *
3. James Madison believed that government was better without kings, but that religion should be backed by government to ensure that citizens lived moral lives. *
4. Although the Founders believed in religious liberty, they justified excluding atheists from the protections guaranteed Christians on the grounds that atheism is not a religion. *
5. After the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when Alexander Hamilton was asked why God had not been mentioned in the Constitution, he reportedly quipped, "We forgot." *
6. Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams, who had been expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for advocating church-state separation and religious tolerance. *
7. The Commonwealth of Virginia , home to eight U.S. presidents, was officially an Anglican state, where a Baptist preacher could be whipped and jailed for preaching without a state-issued license. *
8. The First Amendment of United States Constitution guarantees five liberties. *
9. The concept of "separation of church and state" was alien to the Founders and was first introduced into American law by a U.S. Supreme Court case decided in the 1970s. *
10. The first law enacted to protect freedom of religion in America was drafted by a Pilgrim living in Plymouth . *
V. Заключна частина уроку
1. Підведення підсумків уроку.
Today we learn a lot of interesting facts about relations between church and State.
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