Дистанційне навчання 09/10/20
Дистанційне навчання 2020
Form: 6-D
Topic: Speaking skills
1. Exercise 4 page 18.
Where do you usually do these hobbies?
List under the headings.
Do it in your copy-book.
2. Exercise 6 page 18.
Use the adjectives to say sentences about the hobbies in ex.4.
3.Exercise 2 page 19.
Read the dialogue in ex.1 and find phrases which express likes/dislikes.
Replace them with phrases from the box below.
4. Exercise 3page 19.
Decide if each set of sentences are similar or not.
5. Hometask.
Write sentences about your likes and dislikes in your copy-book. Send the photo on Viber.
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Тема: Конференция Zoom Tanya Titorenko
Время: 9 окт 2020 10:00 AM Киев
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Тема: Конференция Zoom Tanya Titorenko
Время: 9 окт 2020 10:00 AM Киев
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