Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Word-building) 30/04/2021
Friday , the thirtieth of April Theme: P olysyllabl es. Lesson 3 In order to improve your knowledge, we should do some tasks. The first task for you is to write a four-syllable word for each letter of the alphabet (or as many as you can).; write a five-syllable word for each letter of the alphabet (or as many as you can).Open your copy-books, write down the date and start to do this task. T.: Now, look at the blackboard and try to divide some words into syllables: independent, journalist, pajamas, respectful, syllable, veteran, kaleidoscope. (in-de-pend-ent, jour-nal-ist, ka-lei-do-scope, pa-ja-mas, re-spect-ful, syl-la-ble, vet-er-an) 4. Listening T.: Listen to me very attentively. I’ll read the words and your task is to divide them into three columns. (caterpillar, watermelon, macaroni, organization, politician, butterfly, elephant,...