Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(Word-building) 30/04/2021
Friday, the thirtieth of April
Theme: Polysyllables.
Lesson 3
In order to improve your knowledge, we should do some tasks.
The first task for you is to write a four-syllable word for each letter of the alphabet (or as many as you can).; write a five-syllable word for each letter of the alphabet (or as many as you can).Open your copy-books, write down the date and start to do this task.
T.: Now, look at the blackboard and try to divide some words into syllables: independent, journalist, pajamas, respectful, syllable, veteran, kaleidoscope.
(in-de-pend-ent, jour-nal-ist, ka-lei-do-scope, pa-ja-mas, re-spect-ful, syl-la-ble, vet-er-an)
4. Listening
T.: Listen to me very attentively. I’ll read the words and your task is to divide them into three columns. (caterpillar, watermelon, macaroni, organization, politician, butterfly, elephant, strawberry, television, university, celebration, elevator, grandmother, grandfather, alligator, congratulations, rhinoceros) (card #1)
3 syllable words | 4 syllable words | 5 syllable words |
Butterfly Elephant Strawberry Grandmother Grandfather
| Caterpillar Watermelon Macaroni Television Celebration Elevator Alligator Rhinoceros | Organization Politician University Congratulations
Card #1
Divide the words into three columns.
3 syllable words | 4 syllable words | 5 syllable words |
| |
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