
Показано дописи з грудень, 2020

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 24.12.2020

  Lesson  Topic: Holidays. Reading skills  1. Exercise 1 page 22. Read the advertisements for three hotels(A-C) and questions (1-4) below. For every question choose the hotel it refers to and write the appropriate letter in the box. Send the photo of these task on Viber. 2. Exercise 2 page 22. Read the dialogues. Complete the dialogues with appropriate responses. 3. Exercise 3 page 22. Read the text. Complete the gaps with appropriate words from the list to make a grammatically and lexically correct text. 4. Homework. Exercise 1 page 23. Read the text and complete the gaps with appropriate sentences. Send the photo of these task on Viber.

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work ( Social studies) 24/12/2020

 Тема: Північний і Південний полюси. Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 24 дек. 2020 10:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 71589159710?pwd= TFk5QzA1dXk1Qis1QTVjNDcwa1I2dz 09 Идентификатор конференции: 715 8915 9710 Код доступа: 3y9ZQJ

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (Social studies) 24/12/2020

 Тема: Північний і Південний полюси Roald Amundsen (1872 - 1928) was an explorer of the North and South Poles. He led the first expedition to reach the South Pole and was the first person to visit both the North and South Pole. Where did Roald grow up? Roald was born in Borge, Norway on July 16, 1872. He grew up in Norway with his three brothers. His father, who was involved with shipping industry, died when Roald was just 14 years old. Roald had dreamt of becoming an explorer, but his mother wanted him to become a doctor. He followed his mother's wishes until she died when he was 21 years old. Then he left school to pursue his dream of exploring. Roald became a crewmember on various ships traveling to the Arctic. In 1887 he was first mate on a ship named the Belgica. It became the first expedition to survive the winter on the Arctic. Roald learned valuable lessons of survival during these early trips that would help him later on. One was that fresh seal meat had vitamin C which wo...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work ( Social studies) 24/12/2020

  6   Form PACE WORK   24.12.2020 Тема: Північний і Південний полюси In this lesson,   we    will  revise what we have learnt about the model of Earth, we will learn about the descoveries of the North and South Poles, and explorers Robert Peary and Roald Amundsen. . What does our Earth look like? What is situated on its top and at its bottom? Make up sentences using any two of the words written on the board in each. Remember there should be at least 12 words in each sentence. Rotate                                   Desert                                      Ruler      ...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 23.12.2020

   Lesson  Topic: Holidays. Writing skills  1. Exercise 1 page 20. Read the email and put the verbs in the correct tense.  2. Exercise 2 page 20.  Match the paragraphs to the headings. 3. Exercise 3 page 20.  Which adjectives does the writer use to describe these nouns?  4. Exercise 4 page 20. Fill in the words. 5. Exercise 5 page 20. Read the email and underline the opening and closing remarks. 6. Homework. Exercise 6 page 20. Answer the questions. Do it in your copy-book. Exercise 7 page 20. Write the email in your copy-book. Send the photos of these exercises on Viber

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work ( Science) 23/12/2020

 Тема:  Характеристика матерії Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 23 дек. 2020 10:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 71263150118?pwd= NUhWUklzRzVKRXlNT0xZTnI1bjByUT 09 Идентификатор конференции: 712 6315 0118 Код доступа: LW5YSa

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work( Science) 23/12/2020

  Тема: Характеристика матерії Instructions 1.        Determine whether the object is made of cells. For example, a bear's body has a cellular structure that includes blood cells and brain cells. 2.         Observe the object to find out whether it obtains and uses energy. A bird, for example, searches for worms and eats them, and a person picks an apple off of a tree and bites into it. 3.        Notice whether the thing develops and grows. A person starts as a baby, then grows into a toddler, and later goes through puberty and becomes an adult. A caterpillar develops into a butterfly, and a tadpole turns into a frog. 4.        Find out if the thing is capable of reproducing. After mating, a cat becomes pregnant and then gives birth to kittens, for example. 5.        See if the thing interacts with the world. For example, beavers...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (Science) 23/12/2020

Тема: Характеристика матерії Основна частина уроку 1.        Introduction of the new vocabulary T:  Match the words to their definitions Immobile-  living or lasting for ever Cell-  the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently Obtain-   to get Adapt-  to accept Condition-  the   situation in which people live or work Toddler-  a young person at the age between 11 and 16 Puberty-  the age between 11 and 16 T:  Read the text and find out 6 features of a living thing        Young children can have difficulty telling the difference between living and non-living things. For example, a child may think that because something moves or makes a sound, such as a toy, it is alive. A kid might see a sleeping animal or an immobile plant and not realize that it is alive. Scientists have six rules, all of which must be met, to determine whether something is living. All ...

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Англійська мова 22.12.2020

   Lesson Topic: Holidays. Listening skills  1. Exercise 1 page 18. Click on the link and listen to five short recordings. https://drive.google.com/file/d/188gsUUo1dMrVUnIUWTdOaO7WXu9yqpYb/view?usp=sharing    For questions 1-5, choose the answer which matches what you have heard by circling the appropriate letter. 2. Exercise 2 page 18. Click on the link and listen to the recording. https://drive.google.com/file/d/16yJGtBH7sl8E_ApcWZYkygxUy0LJYrYC/view?usp=sharing  Match the people to the type of holiday they went on. 3. Exercise 3 page 18. Click on the link and listen to five short recordings.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EE7EN5AKUEVoXpdI0pnqxsDNt1uREody/view?usp=sharing  For questions 1-5 , choose the answer that matches what you hear by circling the appropriate letter. 4. Homework. Exercise 2 page 19. Send the photo of this task on Viber.

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work(English) 22/12/2020

 Тема: Словник Tanya Titorenko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting Tanya Titorenko Время: 22 дек. 2020 10:00 AM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 79283988027?pwd= T2lNVmZpZW9LM3pVR0J1UEc2ejNNZz 09 Идентификатор конференции: 792 8398 8027 Код доступа: 0GzGWe

Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (English) 22/12/2020

 Тема: Словник Test Beginner Exercise 1  Choose the best answer to each question. 1 .                   If you want to know how to say a word, look at the                        guide word                      pronunciation 2 .                   The word you are looking up is called the                        entry word                       guide word 3...