Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (English) 22/12/2020
Тема: Словник
Exercise 1
Choose the best answer to each question.
1 . If you want to know how to say a word, look at the
guide word
2 . The word you are looking up is called the
entry word
guide word
3 . You wonder about the history of a word. What gives you the word’s history or origin?
4 . You wonder if the word you are looking up is a noun or a verb. To find out, you would look for the
part of speech
5 . The words at the top of the dictionary page that help you find the word you are looking for are called
entry words
guide words
6 . You want to know the meaning of a word. To find the meaning, you would look at the
part of speech
7 . You want to know how to make a word mean “more than one”. To find out, you would look for the word’s
singular spelling
plural spelling
8 . To find out how a word can be divided, you should look at the
plural spelling
9 . Words formed by adding beginnings or endings to base words are called
10 . If you wanted to find out how a word would be used for a specific topic or field of study, you would look for
subject labels
Exercise 2
For each question below, look up the word in bold print in your dictionary. Then answer the question.
1 . What part of speech can the word run be?
§ adverb
§ adjective
§ verb
2 . What part of speech can silver be?
§ adverb
§ noun
§ pronoun
3 . If your story does not have credibility, what is missing?
a funny line
· money
· a good ending
· believability
4 . A missionary is a person who
· is afraid of heights so won’t go to the top of a mountain
· is sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country
· writes stories about adventures
· works with animals in a zoo
5 . I just adopted a new borzoi.
· dog
· cat
· exotic bird
· chipmunk
6 . What two countries celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
· Mexico and Great Britain
· the United States and Canada
· Spain and Italy
· the United States and Mexico
7 . What is the capital of Colorado?
· Albuquerque
· St. Paul
· Denver
· San Francisco
8 . A triceratops has how many horns?
· two
· three
· four
· one
9 . Now I’m satisfied. I just ate a huge bowl of ziti.
· pasta
· rice
· ice cream
· cereal
10 . An epicurean is
· a person who is devoted to pleasure
· a person who is looking for a new job
· a person who is careful and cautious
· a person who is serious and rude
Exercise 3
Using your dictionary, choose the best answer for each question.
1 . What could I use to find out if I am running a fever?
§ thermometer
§ barometer
§ febrifuge
2 . The dictionary can help you find
· recipes
· definitions
· directions
3 . The word gigantic means
· large
· small
· mean
4 . The meaning of the word hinder is
· to go on an extended walk
· the rear sight of a firearm
· to be or get in the way of
· to engage the services of for a fee
5 . The word timid means
· shy
· loud
· terrible
· rude
6 . The word tame means
· gentle
· stupid
· wild
· funny
7 . A mackerel is a
· fish
· piece of jewelry
· dog
· soup
8 . Something that is extraordinary is
· highly exceptional
· unappealing
· normal
· usual
9 . Catherine Parr was Henry VIII's _________ wife?
· sixth
· third
· first
· second
10 . Redundancy means
· unnecessary repetition
· having red hair
· embarrassed
· fragrant; aromatic
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