Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work( Word-building) 07/05/2021

 Friday, the seventh of May.

Theme: Suffix –er.

Lesson 2.Writing

T.: Now, let's do some exercises in writing (card#2)


1) Add er to these words.

1. bat ________________

2. camp ________________

3. drink ________________

4. erase ________________

5. heat ________________

6. help ________________

7. hunt ________________


2) Write the word from the word box that finishes each sentence.


Builder  leader  server

helper  owner  teacher


1. Math is my favorite subject. When I grow up, I want to give young children

lessons in math. I want to be a_________- .

2. Tanya likes to put together model ships. She is a ______ .

3. My dad asked me to carry one end of a box. We moved it outside. I was my

dad’s _______ .

4. Georgia found a bicycle in front of her house. She didn’t know whose bike it

was ____. She wanted to return the bike to its ____________.

5. We sat at a table and ordered our meals. Soon, the_______

brought us our food.

6. It was Tan’s turn to stand at the front of the line and take the students

outside. He was the line __________.


3)Work in a small group. Look up the words polluter, publisher,

broadcaster, and manager in a dictionary. Then write and present a skit

that shows the meanings of these words.


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