Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (Social studies) 01/04/2021

 Theme: Articles of Confederation

·         acceptable - agreeable;

·         central - main;

·         Charles Cornwallis - a British general;

·         confederation - a group joined together;

·         convention - a meeting;

·         delegate - a representative;

·         discussion - a conversation for and against something;

·         document - a paper that gives important information;


Independence and the Articles of Confederation

All are famous phrases that sparked the AMERICAN REVOLUTION. In the view of many colonists, British rule suppressed political, economic, and religious freedoms. Many of those that hesitated to support independence were soon convinced by the passionate words of THOMAS PAINE, SAMUEL ADAMS, PATRICK HENRY, and eventually JOHN ADAMS and Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration of Independence in 1776, the American Revolution, and the creation of the Articles of Confederation represent the American colonies' first attempt to become a nation. This incubation was tentative at best, but ultimately led to success.


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