Дистанційне навчання 6-Д Pace Work (English) 30/01/2021

 Тема: Вивчення префіксів. Поняття префікса. Значення префіксів. Найуживаніші префікси в англійській мові.

 T.: At today’s lesson we are going to learn about prefixesSystematizing material we’re doing a lot of different tasks.
     Firstly, let’s learn what a prefix is.
A prefix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each prefix has a general meaning.
     T.: So you will be able to understand what a word with a prefix means more easily.
 Let's look at an example.
       friendly                                                        unfriendly
.:  The first man looks very friendly! I think it would be nice to spend time with him.
 The second man looks unfriendly. I don't think it would be much fun to spend time with him!
 We can see in the second sentence that we added the prefix "un-" to the word "friendly." This prefix "un-" means "not" or "the opposite of."
 Here are more examples with the prefix "un-":
happy ----> unhappy
finished ----> unfinished
believable ----> unbelievable
acceptable ----> unacceptable
 These words are all adjectives. We can also use the prefix "un-" with verbs.
 Look at these examples:
do ----> undo                              plug in ----> unplug
     T.:  When you see a word that begins with the prefix "un-", you can know its meaning by looking at the word's root (the part that is not the prefix or the suffix). It might be a word you already know!  But, be careful! Be sure you've seen the whole prefix before you decide the word's meaning.
 Look at the word below:
     T.:  Let's try to find the prefix. Is it "un-" as in underdeveloped? No, that doesn't sound right!
 We know the word "develop," which means "to grow bigger or become more advanced." This is the root of our word!
     T.:  So, the prefix must be under, which means "below," "lower," or "not enough." The word underdeveloped means "not developed enough."
     T.:  Let’s look at common prefixes, their meaning, and an example word.
Prefix                             Meaning                                                   Example word
dis-                               not, opposite of                                               disagree
in-, im-                               not                                                         incorrect, impossible
mis-                               incorrectly                                                    misunderstand
re-                                      again                                                        redo (do again)
un-                                       not                                                          uninteresting
under-                  below, lower, not enough                                      underwater


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