Дистанційне навчання 5-Д PACE WORK(29.05.2020)

PACE WORK (Word-building) 29/05

Тема: Голосні в закритому положенні з наступним «r»

Основна частина.
When a vowel is followed by an r, it makes a special sound. These are called r-controlled vowels, or r-colored vowels. These phonemes are as follows:
/ar/ sound as in car, guitar, Arthur
/âr/ sound as in care, bear, mare, scare, aquarium
/îr/ sound as in pier
/ir/ sound as in turnip, spider, certificate, and beaver
/or/ sound as in manor, observatory, author, brought, and orchard
/er/ sound as in butter, cutter, and mother

Usually, /ar/ always sounds like the ar in car, and /or/ always sounds like the or in for. The ir, er, and ur, sound the same as in bird, her, and fur. These all make a /ər/ sound.
 ar (far)
 -ar bar car far jar mar par tar char scar spar star
-arm arm farm harm charm
 -arn barn darn yarn
 -ard bard yard hard card
 -arge barge large charge
 -ark bark dark hark lark mark park shark stark
 -arp carp harp tarp sharp
 -art cart dart mart part tart chart smart start
 -er her
 -erge merge serge verge
 -erk jerk clerk
 -erm germ term
 ern fern tern stern
 -erve nerve serve verve swerve
 -ir fir sir stir whir
 -ird bird gird third
 -irk quirk shirk smirk
 -irt dirt flirt shirt skirt squirt
 -irth birth firth girth mirth
-orch porch torch scorch
 -ord cord lord chord sword
 -ork cork fork pork stork
 -orm dorm form storm
 -orn born corn horn morn torn worn scorn sworn thorn
 -ort fort port sort short snort sport

 -ur cur fur blur spur
 -urb curb suburb
 -url burl curl furl hurl purl churl
 -urn burn turn churn spurn
 urse curse nurse purse
 -urt curt hurt blurt spurt

Part One: Listen and repeat from left to right.
bar bare beer burr bore boor
par pear peer purr pour poor
far fare fear fur for

Part Two: Minimal Pairs
Listen to the three words. Two will be the same. One will be different. Write 1 if the first
one is different, write 2 if the second, and write 3 if the third one is different on the line
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____

Part Three: Word Missing
Listen and write in the missing words.
1. Did he go to the _____________ mission?
2. Did he go to the _____________ mission?
3. He bought four ___________ at the fair.
4. He bought four ___________ at the fair.
         5. Barb really didn't want see the ____________.
6. Barb really didn't want see the ____________.
7. Larry and Laura __________ their carvings last night.
8. Larry and Laura __________ their carvings last night.
9. The four girls waited for __________.
        10. The four girls waited for __________.
Part Four: Dictation: Listen to the sentences and write them on the lines below.
1. __________________________________weird_______
2. _________care________________________________

Part Five: Questions for Answers Given
In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to
the answer, and then record the question in the space provided on your tape by using your
drill/record button.
Example: ______________________? I'm fine, thanks.
(you record "How are you?" onto your tape BEFORE the answer.)
1. Did…
2. Were…
          5. Were there


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